Why You Need Tune-Ups

Protect Peak Performance Cars require consistent maintenance to stay in peak condition. Maybe the cars of the future won’t need regular maintenance but for now, drivers still need to visit an auto shop for tune-ups if they want to keep their car running newer for longer. At Jeff’s Auto Repair in Renton, Washington, our customers

Check Engine Lights: Common Triggers

What’s Causing Your Warning Light How It Works Most drivers are familiar with the check engine light. It’s that yellow dashboard indicator that makes you worry about what’s wrong with your vehicle. As part of the vehicle’s computers that monitor performance, it activates when something isn’t quite right under the hood. But to the driver,

Why You Need Oil Changes

Never-Ending Maintenance Vehicle care is never-ending. From the first moment a car is driven off the lot at the dealership, the engine is working. Parts are moving, running, spinning, and beginning their endless journey of wear-and-tear. And with that, so begins the on-going need for maintenance to protect these parts. That’s where Jeff’s Auto Repair

Choosing The Right Oil For Your Vehicle

Types of Motor Oil If you think that shops use the same motor oil for all oil changes — think again. There are many different kinds of engine oil. Not all of them are created equal and not all of them will be great for your specific vehicle. With the help of a certified technician,

Check Engine Light Evolution

History of Check Engine Lights Have you ever wondered what it was like to drive a vehicle before all of today’s advanced technology? Cars come equipped with complex computer systems to make our lives easier. From parallel parking to maintaining lane control, today’s cars are closer than ever to driving themselves, but let’s not go