What Parts Does a Tune-Up Touch?

What Constitutes a Tune-Up? — Jeff’s Auto Repair

Most drivers are aware that their vehicles occasionally need tune-ups. Not everyone, however, has a solid understanding of exactly what this entails or why it’s important. If you’re wondering exactly what constitutes a tune-up or if your car needs service or repair, trust the certified technicians at Jeff’s Auto Repair in Sandpoint Seattle, Washington.

Tune-Up Checkpoints and Why They Matter

A tune-up is not a single thing. Rather, it is a process automotive technicians do to check, clean, repair, and/or replace components that enable your vehicle to perform better and remain roadworthy. The primary focus is on items that wear out or are rendered ineffective over time. For instance, although oil filters are changed more often, other filters like fuel, transmission, and air need periodic replacement, too. Otherwise, they can clog and create larger issues. The air filter, for example, is responsible for allowing plenty of fresh air to flow into the engine. This is critical to the combustion process.

Also, spark plugs need changing, or cleaning if they’re the extended-life platinum variety. To make your auto perform at its best, also plan on checking the distributor components, spark plug wires, oxygen sensors, and the PCV valve. When you correct minor problems sooner rather than later, you can often prevent future major repairs. You may even reduce your risk for crashes caused by mechanical failure such as a stall in traffic initiated by a clogged fuel filter.

Getting a tune-up allows your auto to perform optimally and reduces vehicle strain. It also prevents contaminants from escaping inadequate filters such that damaging substances circulate through your vehicle’s systems. Thus, tune-ups can help you extend the life and reliability of your car.

Making a Checklist

When you trust your tune-up service to us, we follow a checklist to ensure that nothing is forgotten. In addition to the service points highlighted above, we also check other items for wear and proper function. In your fuel system, this includes giving the injectors the once-over to be sure they aren’t dirty or clogged. We also make sure there’s no injector buildup that might impact spark plug function, and we inspect the fuel pump to be sure it’s working correctly. A technician will also check the vehicle’s idle and engine timing, adjusting if necessary. Finally, we monitor the condenser and points.

We’re In Tune with You and Your Car

Your car isn’t the only thing that needs to be in tune. At Jeff’s Auto Repair, we’re committed to being in tune with you and your vehicle. We’ll help you follow manufacturer’s service recommendations and remedy problems before they escalate and cause a breakdown. Older models without electronic ignition typically need a tune-up every 10,000-20,000 miles, but newer ones often go 30,000-100,000 miles before needing this service. Let us take the mystery out of a tune-up for your car today.

Written by Jeff's Auto Repair

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